R.J. Campbell, J. Wasielewski
Recent advances in mango tree training techniques are rapidly changing production strategies throughout the hot tropics. Modern tree training methods have largely been adopted from temperate fruit crop models, and these strategies have been developed and tested mostly under arid or semi-arid, subtropical conditions. These techniques may not be feasible or may require modification for use in the hot arid or humid tropics. As current and future mango development continues in Tropical America, the adaptation of these training strategies to the new conditions is needed. Training strategies such as shoot heading, branch bending and canopy thinning for size control have been applied to young trees of numerous cultivars within the genetic collections at Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami, Florida, USA. While many of our results have been similar to those found in arid, subtropical locations, differences in plant growth rate and response to treatments have necessitated the modification and development of new methods. Cultivar has interacted significantly with the training treatments. Modifications in training techniques will influence plant spacing and production decisions for future development throughout the hot tropics.
Campbell, R.J. and Wasielewski, J. (2000). MANGO TREE TRAINING TECHNIQUES FOR THE HOT TROPICS. Acta Hortic. 509, 641-652
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.73
Mangifera indica, cultural practices, pruning, management

Acta Horticulturae