J.C. Navatel, L. Bourrain, P. Roudeillac, M. Markocic
The influx on the market of numerous new strawberry varieties gave producers a difficult choice, owing to the lack of information on agronomic and commercial capacities of the cultivars. Experiments were carried out using numerous varieties to answer the producers questions, To facilitate the comparison of observations and results, a common protocol of observations was created and adopted by experimenters. Very quickly, one was confronted with two problems: the recovery of data, their analysis and their synthesis, and the dissemination of the information as widely as possible. So to resolve this problem, from 1998, Ctifl, in association with Ciref, created and developed a strawberry data base within the framework of its strawberry varieties experimental network. The data base allows :
· to input data of observations of the various experimental sites,
· to look for, to consult and to update these data,
· to print summary statements, relative to these trials,
· to realize a synthesis of multilocal trials.
It was decided to place the data base on the Web site of Ctifl (actually in progress) which allowed consultation by all those interested in the strawberry information (technicians, producers, trade...).
Navatel, J.C., Bourrain, L., Roudeillac, P. and Markocic, M. (2002). FRANET: THE DATA BASE FOR STRAWBERRY VARIETIES. Acta Hortic. 567, 219-222
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2002.567.44
strawberry, data base, variety, trial, site

Acta Horticulturae