Controlled pollination test in ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ European pear trees

B. de Castro, G.A.B. Marodin, P.H.G. Ferreira
Studies about reproductive biology with synchronous flowering cultivars are scarce for southern Brazilian conditions. For the ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ planting system, the use of the ‘Abate Fetel’ or ‘Forelle’ pollinizer has been recommended. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of self-pollination and controlled directed pollination of ‘Abate Fetel’ on ‘Clapp’s Favourite’. Self-pollination in ‘Clapp’s Favourite’, controlled pollination with pollen grains of ‘Abate Fetel’ in ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ was carried out and the occurrence of anemophilous pollination was tested. Fruit fixation, fecundity, and incidence of parthenocarpy during the second flowering of ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ were evaluated. The highest rates of fruit formation were due to pollination with the compatible gametophyte of ‘Abate Fetel’, regardless of emasculation, when compared to treatments in which autogamy was forced. ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ did not show autogamy and it also did not express pseudocompatibility, phenomena through which its fruits would have produced viable seeds. The occurrence of anemophily was also not detected. A process of inducing the formation of parthenocarpic fruits was verified with emasculation, self-pollination and bagging, as well as performing only the emasculation followed by the bagging process.
de Castro, B., Marodin, G.A.B. and Ferreira, P.H.G. (2022). Controlled pollination test in ‘Clapp’s Favourite’ European pear trees. Acta Hortic. 1342, 229-236
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1342.33
self-incompatibility, reproductive biology, second bloom

Acta Horticulturae