In-field monitoring of mango fruit dry matter for maturity estimation

K.B. Walsh, P.P. Subedi
The use of a short wave near infrared spectroscopic instrument for estimation of mango fruit DM on tree, as a support in the decision to harvest, was confirmed. The technique was robust in face of change in ambient temperature and light. Agronomic treatments of water stress and fruit removal are recommended for fruit DM increase. The DA meter reading was not a useful measure of mango fruit maturity. Sampling of areas of the fruit with less chlorophyll is recommended, to allow change in chlorophyll levels to be monitored.
Walsh, K.B. and Subedi, P.P. (2016). In-field monitoring of mango fruit dry matter for maturity estimation. Acta Hortic. 1119, 273-278
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1119.38
non-invasive, NIR spectroscopy, Nirvana, maturity, harvest decision, Herschel region

Acta Horticulturae